Love Marriage Astrology


Love Marriage Astrology: Insights, Predictions, and Guidance


Love marriage, a union born out of affection and mutual attraction, holds a special place in our hearts. In the realm of astrology, the alignment of celestial bodies can offer insights into the dynamics of love and relationships, shedding light on questions like "Will I have a love marriage?" and the choice between "love marriage" and "arranged marriage." Let's embark on a journey through the cosmos to explore the fascinating world of love marriage astrology.

Arranged marriage or love marriage astrology :

Love marriage astrology

Will I Have a Love Marriage?

The quest for love and companionship is a universal longing, often reflected in the stars.

In astrology, Venus is the key planet governing love and relationships. When Venus is strong and well-placed in the birth chart, it signifies success in love, romance, and marriage. 

However, if Venus finds itself in challenging positions such as the 6th, 8th, or 12th house, or if it's debilitated or a retrograde Venus or malefic aspects from planets like Saturn, Mars, or Rahu may indicate separation or discord in love partnerships.

Conversely, a favourable placement of Venus, such as in exaltation, Kendra, or trikona houses, or influenced by benefic planets like Jupiter, Moon, and Mercury, suggests harmony and fulfilment in relationships. Ultimately, the strength and placement of Venus in the horoscope play a crucial role in determining the success or failure of love and relationships.

Furthermore, the state of the 7th house, which oversees partnerships and marriage, and the 5th house, responsible for love and romance, are both pivotal in shaping your romantic journey.

Will my love be successful? Promise or not:

Love marriage

In the advanced stages, it's crucial to utilise the KP astrology stellar system to delve deeper into these aspects. This method enables us to confidently predict whether your love will blossom into a successful marriage, regardless of whether it's a love marriage or arranged marriage. The promise theory of KP astrology is a scientifically validated approach that offers clear and understandable insights into the outcome of your romantic journey.

Love marriage in kp astrology:

Successfull love

Successful Love:

The sub lord of the 5th house should be connected with the 7th house and either the 2nd or 11th house. It should not be connected with the 1st, 4th, 6th, 10th, or 12th houses for a successful outcome.

Additionally, the sub lord of the 7th house should be connected with the 5th or 11th house.

Failed Love or break up:

If the sub lord of the 5th house is connected with the 1st, 4th, 6th, 10th, or 12th houses, it indicates potential failure in love matters.

Love Escaping into Marriage:

When the 7th house forms connections with the 3rd, 9th, 8th, and 12th houses, and all the indicators of love align, it often signifies that love will run away and turn into marriage.

Love Accepted by the Lover's House:

When the primary ruling planet of the 7th house forms conjunctions solely with the 3rd and 9th houses, while also satisfying all the criteria for love, it indicates that the love will be accepted by the lover's house. Subsequently, marriage is likely to take place from that house.

Love Transforming into Marriage:

In situations, where the primary ruling planet of the seventh house lacks connections with the 3rd and 9th houses, but the main ruling planet of the 5th house indicates love, the love affair tends to bypass acceptance by the lover's house and directly transition into marriage.

Love with a Widow Indication:

When the ruling planet of the 1st house and the ruling planet of the 5th house are linked with the 5th and 9th houses, along with Saturn and Moon, it suggests that the individual may be involved in a romantic relationship with a widow.

Love Involving with Divorcee:

When the primary ruler of the 5th house, represented by Venus, connects with the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 8th houses, it suggests that the native may experience love with individuals who are widowed, childless, or divorced.

In cases of illicit love affairs:

The ruling planet of the 2nd house should be linked with the 5th and 11th houses exclusively.

Alternatively, the ruling planet of the 5th house should associate with the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses, along with Mercury.

Secret Love Affairs:

When the sublord of the 5th cusp signifies both the 5th and 8th houses, it indicates a relationship shrouded in secrecy. The involvement of the 8th house suggests clandestine affairs, scandals, and actions conducted behind closed doors. Since the 8th house is the 12th from the 9th house of dharma, these relationships may go against one's moral principles and bring dishonor and sorrow to the family.

Physical Intimacy in Love Affairs:

When the sublord of the 5th cusp signifies the 5th, 8th, and 12th houses, it indicates a love affair involving physical relations. However, it's crucial to note that if it's not connected with the 7th or 11th house, the relationship may not progress to a successful marriage.

Association with Handicap:

If the ruling planet of the 5th house and the ruling planet of the 9th house are both Ketu, and they aspect each other, it indicates a likelihood of association with handicap in the context of love and marriage.

Will I Have a Arranged Marriage?

Arranged marriage

When the 1st, 3rd, 7th, and 11th houses are prominently signified in the birth chart or moment chart, it often indicates an arranged marriage.

The first meeting will lead to marriage:

If the sub lord of the 7th house is prominently linked with the 3rd and 7th houses, along with benefic planets, then the initial encounter often results in marriage.

Crucial Rule in KP Astrology: 

In KP astrology, while the star lord provides initial indications, it's the sub lord that ultimately determines the final outcome.

When the star lord denies but the sub lord supports, it indicates a delay in marriage. 

Conversely, if the sub lord denies while the star lord supports, it signals a denial of marriage altogether.

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